Yesterday I made two voodoo dolls- one of Aaron Heilman and one of Carlos Beltran. Heilman's punishment was having his arm continuously moved in alternate directions in a somewhat vain attempt to get him to learn another pitch. Carlos' doll moved similarly but with both a swinging motion. Something I hope he can learn to do next season. Oh, and I took the $25,000 out of his pocket that he wasted with that failed attempt. The two dolls sit in the recesses of my mind. David Wright will soon be put to the test of lifting weights...maybe to find whatever power he lost back in July? The group will sit in my room staring at pictures of Jeff Suppan and Yadier Molina until Spring Training.
Okay, that's IT for's over. For now.
Onto Japan!
CIEE hosted a barbeque for the students and whatever host families wished to attend. It was held about 45 minutes outside of Tokyo in a 150 year old house, which is actually owned by one of the student's host families. It was very traditional, with tatami mats, a zen garden, and ninja-style roof tiles. I must admit- Whenever I glanced outside one particular 2nd story window, I was VERY tempted to dawn a black uniform, jump onto the roof, and creep through the night. But images of my mother's, Lisa's, and Nanny's shocked, terrified, and appalled faces continuously popped into my head. I'll just say I didn't carry out that particular plan ; )
Here's where it was held:

The highlight of the day was definitely being able to dress up like a samurai...or, if you happened (and hopefully remain) to be a girl, a...geisha without all the fussy makeup? Anyway, the minute I walked into the changing room where various host mothers were assisting students in turning Japanese (break for song....okay, good!), one mother pointed at me and shouted "Murasaki!" (purple!). And so, for some reason, I was given the purple yukata. Every other male was dressed in black.
Me, in the color of a Japanese king, with my host parents:

Other activities included trying our hands at traditional shodo (Japanese calligraphy), eating ALOT, and listening to a music recital. The shodo proved to be a challenge, even considering my training last semester. The brushes we used at GW were smaller, thinner, and therefore easier to handle. The food was AMAZING! While many okaasan's helped out, a good amount of the work was done by a hired Japanese man, who just happened to accompany Milo in the afternoon concert! Milo played electric violin, the Japanese do-it-all-san played bass, and others chimed in with piano and drums. Overall the day was quite relaxing!
A group of us hanging out at the BBQ. From left to right:
Milo, Brian Joseph Smith (Jade's head somewhere in back), Sam, Dom and Ngairie, Allison, Brandie and...some guy in a blue sweater:

I'm going to bed now, but will come on tomorrow or the next day to post about the following:
1. Day with JUSCO and the Italian feast.
2. Experience of eating heart.
3. Kyoto planning.
4. Amusing photos from my travels.
I hope everything in America, Paris, and wherever else you are is good!
-Kato Sumisu
1 comment:
just a few more to go and we'll be even! ;) just kidding. sounds like you had a fun day! thank you for writing about it!
tell the voodoo dolls hello for me!
PS- next year they'll be better! hopefully the Yankees will too. Who are you rooting for in the World Series?
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